ECE 275: S-R and D Latches
Website: https://vikasdhiman.info/ECE275-Sequential-Logic/
Reading assignment Read 5.1 through 5.7
HW 6 is posted and due next Monday at 9 AM before class.
Feedback loops
Set-Reset latch
Case 1: S = 0, R = 0
Set-Reset latch
Case 2: S = 1, R = 0 to S = 0, R = 0
Set-Reset latch
Case 3: S = 1, R = 0 to S = 0, R = 0
Set-Reset latch
Case 4: S = 1, R = 1 to S = 0, R = 0
Set-Reset latch
\[ Q_a(t+\epsilon) = \overline{R(t)}[S(t) + Q_a(t)] \]
Switch debouncing
Gated S-R latch
Gated D-latch