\[ \newcommand{\bx}{\bar{x}} \newcommand{\by}{\bar{y}} \newcommand{\bz}{\bar{z}} \newcommand{\bA}{\bar{A}} \newcommand{\bB}{\bar{B}} \newcommand{\bC}{\bar{C}} \newcommand{\bD}{\bar{D}} \newcommand{\bE}{\bar{E}} \]

ECE 275: State assignment

Website: https://vikasdhiman.info/ECE275-Sequential-Logic/


  • Midterm 2 postponed on Nov 15th.
  • HW 8 is posted is due next Wednesday (Nov 10th) at 9 AM before class.

Ex2: Parity Checker

Ex2: Parity Checker using T flip-flops

Ex2: Parity Checker using J-K flip-flops

Ex2: Parity Checker

State reduction: Ex1

A sequential circuit has one input (X) and one output (Z). The circuit examines groups of four consecutive inputs and produces an output \( Z = 1 \) if the input sequence 0101 or 1001 occurs. The circuit resets after every four inputs. Find the Mealy state graph.

State reduction: Ex1

State reduction: Ex1

State reduction

Equivalent states: Defn

  • Let \( N_1 \) and \( N_2 \) be sequential circuits (not necessarily different).
  • Let \( \underline{X} \) represent a sequence of inputs of arbitrary length.
  • Let \( \underline{Z}_1 = \lambda_1(p, \underline{X} ) \) the sequence of outputs corresponding to \( \underline{X} \) starting at state state \(p \) for circuit \( N_1 \). Let \( \underline{Z}_2 = \lambda_2(p, \underline{X} ) \) denote the same for circuit \( N_2 \).
  • Then state \( p \) in \( N_1 \) is equivalent to state \( q \) in \( N_2 \) iff \( \lambda_1(p, \underline{X} ) = \lambda_2 (q, \underline{X}) \) for every possible input sequence.
  • Symbol: \( p \equiv q \)

Equivalent states: Thm

Two states \( p \) and \( q \) of a sequential circuit are equivalent iff for every single input \( X \), the outputs \( \lambda(p, X) \) are the same and the next states \( p_{t+1} = \phi(p, X) \) are equivalent, that is,
  • \( \lambda(p, X) = \lambda(q, X) \)
  • and \( \phi(p, X) = \phi(q, X) \).

Implication tables: Ex2

Implication tables

Implication tables algorithm

  1. Construct a chart which contains a square for each pair of states.
  2. Compare each pair of rows in the state table. If the outputs associated with states i and j are different, place an X in square i-j to indicate that \( i\equiv j \).
  3. If the outputs are the same, place the implied pairs in square i-j. (If the next states of i and j are m and n for some input x, then m-n is an implied pair.)
  4. If the outputs and next states are the same (or if i-j only implies itself), place a check (√) in square i-j to indicate that \( i \equiv j \)
  5. Go through the table square-by-square. If square i-j contains the implied pair m-n, and square m-n contains an X, then i [ j, and an X should be placed in square \(i \equiv j \).
  6. If any X’s were added in step 3, repeat step 3 until no more X’s are added.
  7. For each square i-j which does not contain an X, \( i \equiv j \).

Equivalent State assignments

  • Swapping flip-flops are equivalent.
  • Inverting flip-flop are equivalent.

Equivalent State assignments: Ex1

Distict state assignments

Distict state assignments

Guidelines for state assignment

  • (Group in-neigbours) States which have the same next state for a given input should be given adjacent assignments.
  • (Group out-neighbors) States which are the next states of the same state should be given adjacent assignments.
  • States which have the same output for a given input should be given adjacent assignments.

State assignment: Ex1

State assignment: Ex1

Thanks, Questions, Feedback?
